Liam Forde
I first took Avatar in 1996 and was amazed at how it changed my life. I was successful but not fully happy. Something was missing. Avatar helped me find my Purpose, to help leaders and organisations become enlightened – to see the bigger picture and contribute to a better world for us all. This discovery literally added years to my life!
• I realised that Harry’s ‘technology’ was so important to humanity and our future that I ‘had’ to pass it on…so I did Masters and Wizards immediately. Words can’t describe the insights and transformation.
• I was now guided by head AND heart and this intergation connected me to my children, my partner and my family more deeply than I could have imagined. It also now underpins my work as a coach, facilitator and a leader.
• I have delivered Avatar for over 18 years. Students come from over 40 countries…kids to retirees, artists to CEOs, doctors to yoga teachers, students and entrepreneurs.
• People often confuse beliefs with facts. This confusion is the source of some of their major difficulties in life, from limitations to conflicts, from falied relationships to failed businesses. Avatar can straighten this out, and the magic is YOU do it.
• People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
• Come join me on the next course. I deliver world-wide!
- liam.forde@thezone.co
- +1 323 475 5544
- Auckland, 1022, New Zealand