Jen Rutherford
My Avatar Journey: For years I had been searching for a self-development course that would help me make permanent positive changes in my life. I had done Tony Robbins and loved it, Christianity and loved it, Emotional Intelligence training and gots lots of insights into mine and others’ behavioural motivators but nothing seem to stick. I was still regularly experiencing low moods when things didn’t go the way I thought they should in my life. Overthinking, perfectionism and victimhood lead to doubts and fears that was such a familiar pattern in my life since childhood. I was invited to do the Avatar course in 2014 by an Avatar Master at a time when I was feeling pretty disatisfied with my life and relationships. He felt Avatar could really help me. I respected him and his opinion so I thought it was worth giving it a red-hot go. I completed the Resurfacing workshop (Section I) in Melbourne a month later and gained huge insights into the workings of my conscoiusness and learned lots of tools to manage my mind which I now use every day. In Resurfacing I realised how much I was blaming my parents and others for the shortcomings that were actually mine. Sections II and III were deeper and more satisfying to me in terms of learning about myself and how my life was working. I took on the recommended attitude of ‘explorer’ and through the exercises I was able to navigate boldly through the sometimes lovely, sometimes not-so-lovely areas of the creation I experienced as my life. Once I had completed the Avatar Course the natural next step was to share what I had learned and gained; and completed the Masters Course in the same year. The Masters course taught me how to support another person through the Avatar Path and I am now truly experiencing ‘it is better to give than receive’ in so many ways. Wonderful things and people just keep coming into my life and I feel it’s because of my decision to serve others in a much bigger and broader way that the Masters Course promotes. The next year I completed The Professional course which taught me how to really be present with another and an awareness of the different identities I put on in my day to day life and to choose them deliberately. The Avatar Wizards course came next and the realisations I had about myself and the new tools I have to help others and, in fact, the whole of humanity is THE most satisfying and rewarding thing I have ever done. I can highly recommend that you take on the explorer attitude and come and find out about
- orgwelljen@gmail.com
- 0438682597
- Victoria, Bass Coast, 3984, Australia