Helen McArthur
In the Australian mid winter of 2014, I completed Part 1 of the Avatar® course and found I’d already changed my perspective on life in ways I’d never imagined possible! I’d been yearning to find a personal sense of peace amidst a particularly challenging life situation. Despite all my upset, busy-ness and mind chatter, I experienced a sense of calm and quietness that was allowing my mind to quieten and my heart to open compassionately beyond anywhere I’d encountered previously. I also realised an inner knowing to continue on this journey, and stretched well beyond my comfort zone to complete Parts 2, 3 and 4.., however was rewarded beyond measure. I went on to do the Masters Course which created even more profound changes, and I have been facilitating the Avatar Course since then, in Australia and the USA. If you feel you are ready to make personal changes, improve yourself and/or contribute toward improving the world, contact me. We can arrange a mutually convenient time for a personalised exploration of Avatar online or face to face. I really look forward to hearing from you, and making a difference in the world together! Helen McArthur ~ Licensed Avatar Master 29463 ~ Mobile: +61 (0)448 116 207
- helenfionamcarthur@yahoo.com.au
- +61 (0)448116207
- Western Australia, Busselton - Dunsborough, 6280, Australia