Dear Harry,
Feeling creations with the perceptual skill learned in Section II of Avatar is the most wonderful lubricant for any resistances in life! Honestly I woke up today feeling so crappy and resistant to everything 🙂 . But now, I know … don’t resist it! Thanks to Avatar, and my life experiences with it, I know WHICH direction is “DOWN”, and WHICH direction is “UP”! I had to start with a timer and do 1 minute of the exercise! Then, another minute. Then, okay.. that’s too short–2 minutes. By now, everything is getting softer, easier. My client calls me, and I am feeling so much softer, more available, to talk about the project I am resisting, and everything is fine, the project is going well, all is good!
I cannot tell you what a magic this is, WHEREVER you are at, no matter how much you think you don’t want to do something. I used to suffer from a lot of procrastination, and NOBODY before Avatar ever gave me the building blocks of what was really going on inside ME to change it.
Chris Burbridge- USA