I love you. And I’m blown away. And I thank you. It’s very difficult for me to believe that everyone who has gone through this course has gotten this same treatment. And tools that I just got! You are so conscious, so loving…. so meticulously spot on. How amazing that you have created this Path for us. And more importantly, for the manifestation of an Enlighten Planetary Civilization.. You’re the man, Harry. I break into deep heartfelt tears every time I let myself sink into feeling of who you are and what you’ve done.
How deeply and broadly our human culture needed you! And how sensitively and how fully you rose to the challenge. I’m not only the happiest for the life long power and ecstasy that I am clear . You have just given me this clarity. I’m happiest for the enormous power that you’ve unleashed upon our little globe. You know. You understand, I’m sure, what you have begun. I happen to think we’re going to pull it off. And faster then even you ever imagined.
I really get your love and to a large extent I get your genius. Perhaps the purity I get from the DVD’s and the caring is what most touches my heart. Gratefully,
Ted Norris-USA