Home » Testimonial » My dusty trophy cupboard!
Posted 09 May

Hi Harry,

I would like to share with you this great image I had during a process using some of the Avatar Course, Section II materials. It was as if the beliefs/creations I was exploring were all trophies on a dusty shelf inside my mind. I could see the trophy float out in front of me and it was like the plague at the bottom would state exactly what it was, like an identity or belief or creation of some kind. It was just such a nice metaphor I had to think of you. You always have such lovely stories to tell. It was nice to clean out my dusty trophy cupboard!

I also would like to express to you my gratitude for your care and for the Stars Edge Trainers. The amount of love and support and support we are receiving to forward and be successful is just incredible! Thank you for caring so much about each and every one of us.

Much love,

Andrea van der Werf- Australia