Eighteen months ago I did an introductory Mini-Course. When asked what I wanted to change my answer was “I want to feel more connected to my sons”.I am now an Avatar Master at my second internship. My first internship was with my 32 year old son as my student. Our relationship is now friendly, open and appreciative…quite different from before!
What prompts me to write this now, however, is the change that has taken place with my oldest son. He has been distant and reactive towards both my husband and myself for many years. Different values, family issues, business and lifestyle issues etc.
I have been interning without bringing my own student this time. It has given me the opportunity to stretch in different ways. I can feel my judgments drop, my acceptance and appreciation grow. I have been acknowledging the situation and my son with ease. When I rang home and spoke to my brother said “ What has happened? Your husband and son are talking and doing things together?”
I know it. I feel it. There has been a consciousness change which is very beautiful. I know now that things will be different! My son has 4 children and had experienced depression a few years ago. How wonderful we can all truly love each other again. Thank you and everyone at Stars Edge!
Rosalyn Happ- Australia