Hi Harry,
Well! What a story I have for you. I have known about Avatar for about three years through a friend. She always tried to sway me around into going to Avatar as a tool to give up smoking. Of course I resisted! I obviously was not ready to quit smoking. I did quit though. That took courage and I feel great for doing it!
I won’t bore you with my minor victim hood, but my doctor said to me not long ago that not many people have been through the trauma I have experienced. I know we all have our own stories but let’s just call me “Mrs. Resistant Plus+!”
My Husband had done the Avatar Course and recently the Master Course in Florida. I noticed a change in him, then discovered he had met another woman while traveling and he had fallen in love! Oh my goodness!
We had already booked into doing the Avatar Course a few months later in Australia. After the normal Tantrums/Dramas/Hissy fits, etc. he said to me “The only thing that will help you/us is if you go to the Avatar Course. We were taking our depressed 16 year old ( she has written to you) as well as our 12 year old. And one hysterical 46 year old Mother (me).
I had a few changes through my ReSurfacing. I felt like an unbroken horse, next I felt like a wild Rottweiler without a chain. Then I felt like a kid about to be executed. I had my heels firmly planted in the earth and I wasn’t budging even though I had a marriage to save! I resisted, I kicked, I screamed, I hurt. And then miracles upon miracles, I began to listen to you. You are clever Harry! I even felt connected to you during the DVD’s. You started to intrigue me.
Slowly the barriers began to break down. Due to the love and care from all the Masters and students, I don’t know how, but all of a sudden I became a fluffy miniature horse, a cute puppy and started finding my courage. I clicked…finally! Only after all that pure resistance though, I was the only one crying walking in and crying walking out. My kids were mortified to see Mum so helpless. Then the seed started to sprout.
Harry, what really set me off was Section III. The Initiation and the discreate tool was so profound that it was just like giving birth. Honestly! I felt great! Alive! Free! Confident! Happy! Not resisting! Everyone saw the change. Wow!
That was my start, the seed was growing. Under the superb guidance of the Masters and Trainers I came alive. Then the Rundowns of Section III. Bring it on! This is great! Then, oh, my goodness, oh, my God, oh, my Harry, it all came together. What Power! These exercises connected with me being Source.
Harry, not only have you saved me, my marriage and family, you have delivered a gift that I will happily continue to deliver. I will be a Master and I can already feel my lounge full of students. Yep. Totally what I said I would not create, I have and will create. My husband is “Gob Smacked” by my turn around. I have re-scheduled my blueprint and I love the new me. Yippee! Masters here I come with my Daughter and Son.
My daughter had suffered from depression after a glandular fever episode. To see her face start to open up, to see her eyes start to twinkle is so, so reassuring. Thank you.
My son finished the course early and returned home to take a math test he had missed in school. He had always had the primary to beat his best mate in math. Although he hadn’t studied for this test, he not only beat his mate, he got a 98%. Then they ask him to sit for a problem solving exam for the University. In 47 years only three people had gotten 100%. He became the 4th. A miracle! All that free space and look what happened. He said to me “Mum, I didn’t know I had it in me.”
Harry and Avra, thank you, thank you, thank you! Avater is a great way for people to turn into love, peace, compassion, kindness, etc. Aroha nui ( Maori for loads of love) Harry!
Linda Carlston- New Zealand