Dear Harry,
Recently my wife has said I have no compassion and was like her first husband. This hurt, but I didn’t know what to do. That night I had Googled how to be compassionate. The information was confusing. For the past two years, twice a day I have prayed that God will instill in me sympathy, empathy, compassion, understanding and tolerance.
At my next Friday night men’s Al-Anon meeting I shared what I just wrote about. The following day I went to a Farmers Market and happened to sit next to several women from around the country. When I asked them they said they were attending a course called Avatar and I also heard the word compassion. I told them I had been in AA for 43 yrs and Al-Anon for 25 years but didn’t think I could ever have compassion. One of them reached in her purse and she took out a Compassion Exercise Card. I almost dropped.
I went home and showed my wife the card. We went to Church the next day and in the pew in front of me was a woman who I noticed that really caught my attention. I felt a lot of judgment. I took out the Compassion Card and did the exercise from the back of her head. By the time we were all asked to greet one other, I was completely free to give her a hug and a warm greeting!
That experience, coupled with my Minister saying “Just do it!” when I asked about Avatar, convinced my wife and I to drive to where the course was, watch your video before the introduction and sign up to do the Avatar Course! Thank you for creating Avatar and may you continue to be blessed!
Kerry J. Cannon- USA