Since I did the Avatar Course a lot has changed in my life. First, I rediscovered how to really feel and connect to other people. After that I found out about compassion and what it feels like to have unconditional love. Later on I met my future husband at the Pro Course in Orlando.
In the Period since my Avatar Course I have built my career which was in slumber-mode for over 10 years. I wrote a book for college students which is being published. I will be teaching coach-basics to students in post HBO education. Recently we bought a really nice house and I settled in a new city, something I always wanted to do but never dared or took the action to do.
Besides all these positive changes I have learned some very valuable lessons by experiencing them. You can’t really explore your creations when you are stuck in them! You always have the power to shift yourself.
I can create with ease. I can appreciate all my creations and it is always safe to do so because I am Source of all of them and they are just creations. Including fear and this is especially important to me because I discovered that fear is what crippled me most of all, the free-attention killer. So thank you. Thank you very much! For giving and inventing the tools for freeing myself and creating my life!
Wies Geluk- Germany