Home » Testimonial » Depression just disappeared!
Posted 21 Dec

Dear Harry,

I experienced many benefits from the Avatar Course, but two of them stand out above the rest.  The first has to do with a huge sense of betrayal I had been carrying for over a year as a result of my beloved having multiple affairs while overseas, in secret, just before leaving me without notice.  She was wrong, and had betrayed my trust, and I was totally devastated.  At least that’s how I was perceiving it.  While that intensity had lessoned some over the past year, it was certainly still there.  It was with the Identity Rundown in Section III that my viewpoint shifted, I experienced the events through her perspective, and the whole charge in me around those events just evaporated, just disappeared.  My negativity towards her was so gone that it was as if it was never there to begin with.

After I returned home from the course I sent her a lovely card with terms of endearment, and a week later we met for lunch, a long walk and some genuine conversation.  And yes, I was completely at peace being with her. The results were not just imagined or just in my head – they were real.

The second benefit that stands out for me was my getting in touch with the root of my will-to-live (or lack of it).  I discovered a creation of mine from my early life which has produced varying degrees of depression and suicidal fantasies over the years.  Now, I genuinely and happily feel, “I want to be here.” Thank you and Avatar for these revelations and for these very empowering and easy-to-use tools for self-evolvement and self-actualization.

Bansi Buckley- USA