Thoughtstorm® Manual
AUD 35.00
Unlock The Answers To Anything You Want To Know.
Thoughtstorm Manual: An Evolution in Human Thinking
by Harry Palmer (Spiral Bound – 1986)
In the years since its first appearance, Thoughtstorm has established itself as a favorite tool of the entrepreneur. It has inspired the creation of THOUSANDS of businesses and sits on the bookshelves of some of the wealthiest people in the world. Deceptively simple, yet profound, its ability to generate insights into problems is a priceless technology.
Better than Brainstorming and a lot more FUN!! By Jan L. Nadeau
This is the most wonderful tool that has come along in centuries for people to come together and align for a common purpose. We have a group in Northern Michigan who meet regularly to do Thoughtstorms and we have had some amazing results! The process is very creative and FUN!! The book is self-instructional and any group can use it for any purpose. It can be used by businesses to come to Team alignment and by families to reach a deeper level of understanding of each other. When the group reaches the Corecept (The Core Concept which is the purpose of the Thoughtstorm) it comes as a true AH HA !! The wonderful thing is that you don’t give up the Thoughtstorm until everyone has reached agreement !! Unlike a brainstorm which is a good tool but usually results in a random list, the Thoughtstorm results in a very powerful feeling of group alignment!! The book is easily understood and just about anyone can benefit from the experience. Harry includes an entire section of topics with questions you can use for Thoughtstorms, as well as guidance on how to create your own Thoughtstorm questions. It is a wonderful way to spend time and is inexpensive, too.
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This book is a wonderful tool to use personally, with a group and for work. Gets to the heart of things without struggling mentally to figure out answers. Feeling the ease and flow when participants are all in “synch” and the answers to your thoughtstorm are truly felt by all, is a beautiful and powerful experience. Harry Palmer created this amazing tool which I experienced first-hand on an Avatar® course.
Nicola Karesh (Pisgah Forest, NC USA)
Preface, page 7
Section One: The Beginnings
A Short History, page 11
Why It Works, page 17
Commentary on the Precepts, page 21
Advice for Pilots, page 27
Hosting Your First Session, page 29
The Procedure, page 31
Phenomena Encountered, page 33
Questions and Answers, page 35
Section Two: The Topics
Alignment Questions, page 41
Living Together, page 43
Creating It, page 53
Getting Rich, page 63
Selling It, page 75
Getting Elected, page 85
Running It Better, page 95
Looking Forward, page 105
Just Wondering, page 113
New Directions, page 119
Creating Your Own Questions, page 121
Thoughtstorm Instructions
Thoughtstorm Log
Thoughtstorm Invitation
Intended Audience
Organizational councils and committees
Elected or appointed officials
Leaders and mentors
The initial seed of speculation that launched the Thoughtstorm project in 1986 dropped out of a discussion on how organisms evolve different adaptations in their competition to survive. Some creatures depend upon natural colorations for camouflage, others survive by fleetness of foot or fin, others by the force of tooth and claw. Probably you can think of many other adaptations that species have evolved in their competition to dominate and survive, but the most powerful of all adaptations is the ability to think. In a few millennia, thinking has achieved virtual domination for any species that has evolved and employed it.
Could thinking be improved? Does it have potential still to be unlocked? How vital is it
for us to unlock this potential? In the endless churning of evolution, time and events not only test the immediate survival value of each species’ adaptations, but they test the long-range consequences as well.
Turning the adaptation that permitted the human species to survive and dominate other species into a mechanism for competition among members of our own species may be the wrong turn that leads to self-extinction.
Thinking could yet join the anonymous club of adaptations that fail the long-term test. Our ironic epitaph: Humankind, destroyed by its ability to survive.
Thus the initial seed of speculation was this: Are there more effective (rational, cooperative, compassionate) ways of thinking? Methods whose long-term consequences will not lead to oblivion? That is how the first discussion session, the genesis of Thoughtstorm, began.
Seven people were invited to meet in a library conference room to participate in a research project. As the host, I read them the following statement:
“It is demonstrably true that the output power of a single source can be aligned with the output power of another source and end up with more total power than either source is capable of producing alone. For example: multi-engine aircraft, banks of power generators, teams of horses, packs of dogs, the strands of a rope, etc.
“The question is, Can this same alignment principle be applied to human thinking?”