Home » Master » Kerry van Beest
Posted 18 Sep

Avatar has given me control over my mind. In August 2010 I completed the Avatar Course followed by the Masters Course in September 2010. I consider my life to have been in two stages – before Avatar and after Avatar. Before Avatar I was a person who struggled with many aspects of my life, in particular my relationships, the way I saw myself, money and feeling stressed most of the time. I was always trying to second guess what others wanted from me so I could fulfil their expectations. Basically I was more often than not seeking other people’s approval. This was not a great way to live. Since Avatar I feel transformed, I went from being depressed to being full of energy and having a magical sense of peace and a quiet mind. The best thing though was knowing that it was me exploring me, not someone telling me I needed to be or do things in a particular way. So incredibly freeing to know that my beliefs are what limits me and that I can change them by using the Avatar tools at any time. I often get people saying to me “you are very calm”. The negative self-talk, the worry, the second guessing about what I am doing in life has pretty much gone. I still experience things I don’t prefer but I now have the tools to handle anything that shows up in my consciousness. The Avatar Course has been an incredible exploration of my own sense of self (exploring what is there already and changing what I want to change). I had been sear4ch for something for some time before I found the Avatar Course. I had read so much on living in the present moment and I wanted to be a person with a purpose that included kindness and compassion for others. Throughout my life I have been drawn to really connecting with people and making a difference but the way I saw myself often got in the way, until Avatar. Now my world is full of possibilities, wonder and joy, all I need to do is decide what I want to experience and I do!