Welcome to the Compassion Project,

The goal of compassion is to open a connection between feelings heart(virtues) and the reasoning power of the intellect. The feelings of heart consciousness are found in love, empathy, kindness, patience, tolerance, and so on. Practising these qualities deliberately leads to compassion.

“Compassion is breaking through the selfishness that dominates reason. It is a transition from “What do I want ?” To “How can I help?” Compassion is recognising someone’s suffering and doing something to relieve it.” – HP Legacy

The Card

CompassionCard fold

The Compassion cards make perfect thank you notes and are great for introductions with your business card inserted. Each card contains THE COMPASSION EXERCISE from the book ReSurfacing®: Techniques for Exploring Consciousness by Harry Palmer.

Cards are available in 36 languages: Albanian, Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Macedonian, Maori, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese. – NOW also available online four more languages: Tok Psin, Samoan, Irish and Ukrainian.

We invite you to Join The Compassion Project Team

If you are based in the Oceania Region and would like to help distribute Compassion Project cards, you can purchase them by clicking here. If you live outside Australia and New Zealand or would like the cards in a different language email compassion@avataroceania.com so you can be contacted regarding your specific needs.

The Compassion Project

The intention of the Compassion Project is to increase the well being and sense of interconnectedness of humanity by distributing the Compassion Exercise, person to person, around the world. Providing practical compassionate action anyone can use in everyday life for the greater good of all human beings. The project began with Avatar students and Avatar Masters sharing Compassion Cards with people they encounter through their own life experiences and evolved into larger-scale action to support compassionate leadership throughout the world.

  • Within a year, 2 million Compassion Cards were distributed in 72 countries.
  • Currently almost 5 million Compassion Cards have been distributed in 36 languages around the world.
  • 267,000 Compassion Cards have been delivered to political leaders around the world.

Help us reach our goal of sharing 10 million Compassion Cards.

Here are just a few of the compassion projects that have been completed

  • Over 31,000 Compassion Cards delivered to the Parliament and Representatives in Germany.
  • Over 27,000 Compassion Cards were delivered to every Senator and Congressman in the USA .
  • Over 20,000 Compassion Cards delivered to Parliament and Senators in Canada
  • Over 64,000 Compassion Cards delivered to the Parliament of Great Britain, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • 12,000 Compassion Cards delivered to Parliament and the Governor-General in Australia.
  • 13,000 Compassion Cards delivered to Parliament and the Federal Council of Switzerland.
  • Over 12,000 Compassion Cards delivered to the Queen and Parliament of the Netherlands
  • Over 6,000 Compassion Cards delivered to Parliament and the Governor-General in New Zealand.
  • Over 6,000 Compassion Cards delivered to Parliament in Scotland
  • Over 6,000 Compassion Cards delivered to the Prime Minister and Parliament of Israel
  • 3000 Compassion Cards were delivered to the Governor, Legislative Council and District Councilors of Hong Kong.
  • 2250 Compassion Cards were delivered in France to all Presidential election candidates and their teams.
  • 1500 Compassion Cards were delivered in Christchurch, New Zealand to the Mayor, the Red Cross and the CEO of the Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Team.

“If one million made a scratch in the world, ten million will make a dent!”
– Harry Palmer, creator of the Compassion Project

What Happened

The original challenge was far surpassed. One milliion cards were in circulation within six months. By October 2011 two million Compassion cards had been distributed in 72 countries. Now we are well into distributing the third million cards to all corners of the world on our way to ten million cards given to strangers.

As the Compassion Project moved ahead, a new and exciting opportunity to rapidly increase compassion evolved — Earth’s Compassion Team. The team’s goal is to give Compassion Cards specifically to world leaders. Over 207,600 Compassion cards have been delivered by Earth’s Compassion Team to top leaders in 12 countries. The response has been very positive and encouraging. There is more to do. Together we can create the synergy to make it happen.

What’s Next

“The thing we have to solve is how to make care and compassion more valuable than self-importance and impermanent things. The ultimate solution is broadly awakening the enlightened mind of spiritual consciousness.

We need another miracle moment in which everyone realizes that we’re in this all together, and that the earth is the only spaceship that we get. Star’s Edge has laid the foundation. Future generations need to direct their greatest efforts toward coming together; the world needs less superpowers and more friendly tribes.

You can play a major role in this transformation.

The solution that we’ve been looking for is more alignment and cooperation, more attention on service to others. We need to become citizens for the planet.

Have you ever felt the warmth of the morning sun on your face? That’s what the broadcast from infinite being feels like, it inspires goodness, and love, and compassion. And it brings tears to the eyes, and compassion to the heart.

Let’s increase the amount of compassion on the planet…”

– from a talk by Harry Palmer