Home » Testimonial » Treasure after 40 years
Posted 26 Jan

Dear Harry,

I have been very fortunate to be have been able to complete Avatar, Masters and Wizards over the past 18 months. It has been an amazing journey to say the least.

When I completed my original Avatar course in New Zealand in April 2009 one of the primary goals I set was to meet my original birth parents as I was adopted at birth and then moved from the UK to Australia when I was 3 years old. I had always been interested in finding out more about my biological history but had run into many obstacles.

I am proud to say that after almost 40 years on this planet I met my father, brother and sister in the UK last week. It was an amazing experience and one that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

Thank you Harry. I would never have achieved this without the Avatar tools.

Kind regards,
J.D.- Australia